The painting continues

October 25, 2010 § Leave a comment

Spent the whole morning in the studio today. How marvelous! Delicious! Difficult!

Yesterday I spent the afternoon in the studio and finished a canvas (photos to come), today I started a new canvas. I have to keep these straight…

This new one is number 5 I believe.

Here’s where I started:

the croton falls reservoir. I had written in the promontory by scratching into the paint. I liked adding the text component.

but it didn’t stay long. the painting looked too literal

I added an image transfer of my dad and me and the cellular topo forms had to come back.

but still not far enough.

new forms are coming in. they are in the lower left corner. they represent splitting, loss, tearing.

I used numbers in the piece as well, numbers with meaning. My old zip code and street, as well as 309 from the croton falls reservoir map. I know this piece isn’t done yet, but how far I’ve come– from amorphous shapes to a growing personal vocabulary. It is so exciting. And I still am not where I want to be yet. Onward, just keep painting and layering and painting over!

Where Am I?

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